HOME LINKS - websites : Amancio Guedes




Architect Africa - An interview with Pancho Guedes and information about the symposium and exhibition at the University of the Witwatersrand when he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate.



The site is a portal for architects and has a practice directory for sub-saharan africa, with many pages of information about competitions, employment, books, software and links... http://architectafrica.com

Article by Michael Benedikt - primarily about the buildings of Saitowitz with a homage to the influence of Pancho Guedes..http://www.utexas.edu/architecture/center/benedikt_articles/saitowitz.html


ArchInform - an international architecture database site with information about Guedes from which searches can be launched to other sites like the RIBA library and Groves dictionary.. .http://www.archinform.net/arch/12046.htm?ID=a81adcdcd2171fff09426116556d255e

Artnet - Groves dictionary web information service with a brief biography of Guedes.. http://www.artnet.com/library/03/0353/T035398.asp

RIBA Library Catalogue of publications by and about Pancho Guedes

A list of the publications on Pancho Guedes can be found by using the search facility provided:


The integration of art and architecture and its relevance in the new south africa
An article by SABINE MARSCHALL published by UNISA press (the University of south Africa) with references fo John Fassler, Norman Eaton, Barrie Biermann, Kate Otten, as well of course to Pancho Guedes and other architects and academics in South Africa.



Site created by Cedric Green - last revised - May 16, 2010